Tuesday 23 July 2024

Yemen Reveals Israeli Weakness


Yemen's successful strike on Israel's capital reveals the military and economic weakness of the Apartheid state after nine months of war.


The Electronic Intifada - "Is the Western left afraid of talking about Palestinian armed resistance?

Danny Haiphong - "Israel humiliated as Yemen, Lebanon, Iran crush IDF air defenses

Richard Medhurst - "The Other War: Israel's Economy Destroyed After October 7"

Tuesday 16 July 2024

Monday 17 June 2024

America's non-existant "red lines" on Gaza


With the Nusseirat Camp massacre and Israel's barbaric assault on Rafah, it is plain to see that the American Government's talk of "red lines" were lies from the start. The Empire continues to support Apartheid to the hilt.

The Grayzone - "Was the US military involved in Israel's heinous market massacre?

The Grayzone - "Joe Biden has no red lines on Israeli violence

The Grayzone - "Shocking contrast in captives emerging from Gaza, Israeli prisons

Sunday 9 June 2024

Massacre in Nusseirat


The atrocity committed by Israel against the people of Nusseirat in central Gaza must be seen for what it is: a heinous and pathetic act by an Apartheid state that is losing on all fronts against determined resistance.

Breakthrough News - "Why Israel Still Can't Defeat Gaza Guerilla Fighters"

Anti-Empire Project - "Gaza War Sit Rep Day 246: Nusseirat

Monday 27 May 2024

The ICC, The ICJ and Israeli Apartheid


With the ICC's application for arrest warrants against the Israeli PM and Defense Minister and the ICJ's ruling that Israel must immediately halt its murderous assault on Rafah, the Apartheid state is lashing out with increasingly desperate violence.

The Grayzone - "Israel assault Rafah, taunts ICJ"

The Electronic Intifada - "What the ICC arrest application says about the court's direction

Sunday 28 April 2024

The Tiktok Ban and Other Signs of a Desperate Empire


With resistance to the genocide in Gaza growing on American college campuses, the American Government's moves to ban TikTok are not only aimed at undermining China but at undermining Palestinian solidarity as well.

Geopolitical Economy Report: "Biden signs law to ban TikTok: Latest attack in US economic war on China.

Peoples Dispatch: "Vijay Prashad on Hyper-Imperialism."

Monday 22 April 2024

The Tide Turns in Palestine's Favor


Despite the US veto of Palestinian UN membership and Israel's attack on Iran, the forces of Apartheid and Empire are being steadily worn down by effective resistance in Palestine and worldwide.

Geopolitical Economy Report: "US blocks UN from recognizing Palestine

Breakthrough News: "The Palestine Movement has Completely Undermined the US-Israel Relationship

Breakthrough News: "Israel is Instigating a Regional War with Iran